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  • Writer's pictureMichael East

How Learning New Things Can Lead To A Strong And Healthy Mind

It's fair to say I'm somewhat of a lifelong learner, and although that may sound cliche, it is what it is. I really started to develop my passion for learning in my mid 20's and it's been an upwards trajectory ever since.

I enjoy learning about a mixture of things - health related content, psychology, biology, self development, space, quantum physics, animals, music, mixed martial arts - as you can see, quite an eclectic mix!

You may enjoy learning about other things, perhaps you want to learn about the biology of tardigrades, or how to bake French pastries like a master chef, or even how to survive a zombie apocalypse!

The key point is that it's not really about what you learn, but more so the fact that you use your mind in a focused, purposeful way to learn in the first place.

Having said that, there are some specific learning activities that are considered extremely healthy for the mind, and I'll touch upon these in more detail below.

But first, let's explore the various ways in which learning can help to strengthen and maintain a healthy mind.

How Learning Benefits The Mind

Learning can take many forms, from formal education to self-directed study to learning by osmosis. Learning can and does happen at any stage of our lives but generally, the younger we are the more receptive we are.

Learning is exercise for the mind in much the same way that going to the gym is exercise for the body. It stimulates neuroplasticity by promoting the growth and modification of neural connections in the brain

Therefore, learning is a healthy activity and leads to healthier outcomes, such as:

Improved cognitive function

Learning new information or skills help to keep our brains active and engaged. This leads to improved memory, attention, and problem-solving abilities. Studies have shown that people who engage in lifelong learning have a reduced risk of cognitive decline and dementia.

Increased self-esteem and confidence

Learning new things helps to boost self-esteem and confidence. Accomplishing a goal or mastering a new skill can be a source of pride and satisfaction. This has a positive impact on our mental health and overall well-being.

Reduced stress

Learning is a great way to distract the mind away from stress and anxiety. Engaging in a task that requires focus and attention can act as a form of mindfulness, helping to reduce the stress we encounter in our lives and improve our mood.

Enhanced social connections

Learning helps to enhance social connections. Joining a class or study group provides an opportunity to meet new people and form friendships. Social connections are essential for our mental health and provide a sense of community and support.

New opportunities

Learning can open up new opportunities in both our personal and professional lives. Having a diverse range of skills and knowledge can make an individual more valuable and can provide a sense of purpose and direction. Learning can support an enhanced and transferable skill set, which increases job security and job flexibility.

A richer identity

Learning can lead to a richer identity. Some of the most interesting people I've met have a personality that's underpinned by deep learning.

Making us more efficient

Learning makes us more efficient, tasks that were once difficult to do become easier to complete. This frees up our time and resource, which allows us to focus on something else.

Making us happier

Learning supports our personal development, satisfies our curiosity, and stimulates us intellectually.all of which contribute to increased happiness and well-being.

Setting a great example to our children

By being lifelong learners ourselves, we motivate and influence our children to develop a strong growth mindset. This enables them to approach obstacles with resilience, and to never stop exploring and expanding their own horizons. Our commitment to learning can instil in them a thirst for knowledge that will benefit them throughout their lives.

Learning is a powerful tool and in today's world it's never been easier to access an abundance of learning resources.

Examples Of Learning Activities

There are a number of activities you can engage in when it comes to learning, but a few key ones that really stand out as the best of the best are:


Reading is a great way to stimulate the brain and improve cognitive function. Reading helps us to expand our knowledge, use our imagination, and enhance our critical thinking. Exposure to diverse perspectives and experiences lead to stronger personal growth. Reading can also be a source of relaxation and stress relief.

Learning a new language

Learning a new language can be challenging but is very rewarding. It helps to broaden our cultural understanding, enhance our cognitive abilities, and promote good communication skills. It can also open up new opportunities when travelling.


Studying, whether traditional or online, is a great way to acquire new skills and knowledge. Formal study usually contains structured guidance, expert knowledge, and interactive learning experiences. Studying can lead to collaboration, greater comprehension of a subject and meaningful learning.

Practicing meditation

Practicing meditation can help to cultivate self-awareness, promote mindfulness, and reduce stress. It leads to enhanced mental clarity and greater focus, which in turn leads to personal growth and a greater sense of well-being.


Journalling is a great way to process thoughts and emotions. It encourages self-reflection, introspection, and promotes greater emotional awareness. The exploration and documentation of thoughts, feelings, and experiences can also be a source of personal growth.

Brain-training games

Brain training games can help to stimulate cognitive function, improve memory, and enhance problem-solving skills, this can lead to greater mental agility and sharper mental acuity.


Travelling can be a great way to learn about new cultures, history, and people. It can also be a source of inspiration and personal development.

Podcasts and webinars

Podcasts and webinars can be a great way to learn new information and stay up-to-date on current events and trends. They offer convenient platforms for acquiring knowledge, and engaging with experts in an immersive and engaging format.

Playing a musical instrument

Playing a musical instrument can be a great way to learn a new skill and improve cognitive function. It promotes creativity, improves coordination and dexterity, and provides a means of self-expression and emotional release.


Dancing can be a great way to learn a new skill, improve physical fitness, and have fun. It incorporates physical movement, artistic expression, rhythmic coordination, self-confidence, creativity, and joy.

Joining a club or organisation

Joining a club or organisation can be a great way to learn new skills, meet new people, and make a difference in the community. It enhances our social connections, encourages us to collaborate, and exposes us to new perspectives and experiences.

Although the above points highlight the most well known learning activities, the important thing is to find activities that are enjoyable and meaningful to you on a personal level.

Learning is a lifelong process and the key to a happy, healthy mind but only if it resonates with you.

Negative Aspects Of Learning

Whilst learning and engaging in activities that promote a healthy mind are undoubtedly beneficial, it's important to note that there can also be some negative aspects. These include:

Time constraints

Engaging in learning activities can take up a significant amount of time, which may be difficult for some individuals to fit into their daily schedules.

Financial constraints

Some activities, such as classes or travel, may be expensive and may not be affordable to everyone.

Relationships can suffer

The time invested in learning activities can eat into the time you would normally spend with a significant other. Learning can, and normally does, lead to growth in an individual which can also lead to a disparity in interests or intellect. These factors can cause a relationship to suffer.

Comparison to others

When engaging in learning activities, some people may compare or compete with others, which can lead to feelings of inadequacy.


Engaging in too many activities without taking the time to rest and recharge, can lead to burnout and negatively affect our mental health.


Some people may stick to one activity for too long, which can lead to monotony, lack of interest, and eventually giving up on it.

It's important to be mindful of these negative aspects and to find a balance that works for you.

Final Thoughts

Investing our time into learning is something I highly recommend to everyone. It enriches our lives, adds colour and depth to our character, and fosters strong personal growth.

It's never been easier to learn and in this day and age has become both a necessity and a luxury. The rate of change in society is increasing exponentially, it's important to keep up and stay as relevant as possible.

Learning new things will undoubtedly enhance your life and ultimately lead to a stronger, healthier mind.

I hope you enjoyed the content. Please leave your thoughts below in the comments section and let me know what other health and well-being topics you'd like me to cover.

If you’re interested in improving your health then please do get in touch!

Michael East


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