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  • Writer's pictureMichael East

Why You Should Consider Adding Combat Fitness Sessions To Your Exercise Routine

Updated: Jun 25, 2023

Combat fitness workouts have become increasingly popular over the years. This can be traced back to the early 1990s when combat sports such as Brazilian Ju-Jitsu (BJJ) and Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) began to garner more mainstream attention. As such a number of personal trainers began to incorporate these techniques into their workouts. This ultimately led to more diverse, challenging and enjoyable fitness sessions.

In this post, we'll explore some of the physical and psychological benefits of combat fitness and why you should consider adding them to your own exercise drills.

Physical Benefits Of Combat Fitness

Combat fitness is designed to be a high intensity activity that includes a variety of functional movements. These movements help to improve cardiovascular endurance, increase muscle tone and enhance overall physical fitness.

Additionally, combat fitness:

  • Can help to improve coordination, balance and agility, making it an ideal fitness program for those who are looking to enhance their athleticism

  • Is a great weight loss tool and supports improved body composition. By engaging in high energy workouts that burn calories you'll be able to achieve a more toned physique

  • Often includes stretching and flexibility work, which can help improve your range of motion and reduce the risk of injury

  • Is versatile and can be adapted to suit a range of different fitness levels. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced athlete, there are routines that can be tailored to your specific needs

  • Can help to develop a functional skill set. Learning basic skills such as technique, endurance and composure, will make you more prepared should a situation ever arise where you need to defend yourself

Unlike traditional forms of cardio or strength training, combat fitness provides a unique and challenging workout but one that is also extremely enjoyable.

Psychological Benefits Of Combat Fitness

Combat fitness can have a powerful impact on you psychologically. One key characteristic is the development of self-discipline. Through consistent training, you'll learn how to set and achieve goals, develop a structured routine and focus on progression.

On top of this, combat fitness:

  • Is known to support stress reduction. When engaged in a high-intensity workout you're able to release pent-up tension and negative energy. This can help to feel more relaxed and focused outside of the actual workout

  • Can help to regulate emotion and increase self control. Incremental exposure to fear can lead to rational decision making whilst in a pressurised situation or environment. You'll be able to recognise your own emotions and respond appropriately to them

  • Can boost self-confidence. As you learn new techniques and build your strength and endurance, you'll feel empowered and more capable of defending yourself

  • Requires focus, determination, and mental toughness. The discipline and mental strength developed can then be applied to other areas of your life

  • Is often performed in a group setting, which can provide a sense of camaraderie and social connection

  • Can improve emotional intelligence. As you train, you'll learn how to read body language and non-verbal cues, which can help you to communicate more effectively with others

Ultimately, combat fitness can provide a sense of accomplishment. As you work towards your fitness goals, you'll experience the satisfaction of progress and achievement, which can boost self-esteem and motivation.

Dangers Of Combat Fitness

Like any form of physical activity, there are some potential dangers to combat fitness:


Any type of high-intensity workout carries a risk of injury, particularly if proper form and technique are not used. Common injuries associated with combat fitness include sprains, strains, and contusions.


Combat fitness routines can be intense and demanding, it's important to listen to your body and take rest days when needed to avoid overtraining. Overtraining can lead to fatigue, injury, and even burnout.

Lack of proper equipment

Combat fitness often involves contact, so it is important to use proper equipment such as gloves, headgear, mouth-guards, and other protective gear.

Lack of proper instruction

Combat fitness programs often involve complex movements and techniques, so it's important to have proper instruction to avoid injury and to get the most out of your workouts.

Cardiovascular risk

Combat fitness can be very demanding on the cardiovascular system. It's important to consult with a medical professional before starting any new exercise program if you have any underlying health conditions.

Over enthusiasm

During a combat fitness session injuries can occur, these tend to be self inflicted. However, people can become a little over enthusiastic during the heat of battle.


Combat fitness may involve head contact which could lead to a concussion hence why protective gear is essential

It's important to be aware of these dangers and take the necessary precautions to reduce the risk of injury.

Combat Fitness Instructors

It's important to find the right instructor before you start your combat fitness journey. Ideally a good instructor should do the following:

Create a safe space

This is paramount, especially for people new to combat fitness. Some people need to be introduced to combat fitness gradually and feel that they are safe. It's the job of the instructor to make sure people understand that they can express themselves emotionally and physically without the fear of judgment or retribution.

Provide proper instruction

A good instructor should be able to clearly demonstrate and explain the proper form and technique for each exercise, as well as provide modifications for different fitness levels.

Create challenging and engaging workouts

A good instructor should be able to design challenging and engaging workouts that push participants to their limits whilst still being safe and appropriate for their fitness level.

Monitor progress

A good instructor should be able to monitor participants' progress and make adjustments to their routine to ensure they are getting the most out of their workouts.

Provide safety guidance

A good instructor should be able to provide guidance on safety precautions and injury prevention, as well as being able to recognize and respond appropriately to potential injuries.

Be knowledgeable in first aid

A good instructor should have knowledge of first aid and emergency response procedures.

Create a positive and encouraging environment

A good instructor should be able to create a positive and encouraging environment where participants feel comfortable and supported.

Be knowledgeable in different training methods

A good instructor should have knowledge of different training methods and be able to adapt the program to the participant's needs.

Be a good communicator

A good instructor should be able to communicate effectively and be able to answer any questions or concerns participants may have.

Finally, a good instructor should be a positive role model, leading by example and representing a moral, healthy and active lifestyle.

Why Choose Combat Fitness?

If what I've highlighted above hasn't already persuaded you to at the very least try combat fitness then please read on...

Combat fitness is my most popular service. Whether it's one to one training or group sessions there seems to be something that people find particularly enjoyable about it.

Watching the faces of new clients as they try to 'smash' me is weirdly terrifying and hilarious at the same time. I literally see people's eyes change as they engage with their inner primal instincts.

After a warm up I normally start my sessions with some ice breakers, the reasons for this are twofold:

Firstly, it allows any social anxiety to dissipate and increases social connection.

Secondly, the gentle activation of the muscles get the body into the right zone.

Once the ice breakers are complete we go to work to try and sharpen technique.

It's important to establish, and work with the range of abilities of my clients.

My clients sometimes bring their children along to watch. Invariably, youthful curiosity peaks and they want to participate. This is something I welcome and encourage.

After the work's done it's time to decompress. I find that this induces a sense of calmness and relaxation which is in stark contrast to what we've just done!

All the better when performed in beautiful, natural surroundings.

Final Thoughts

Combat fitness provides a wide range of benefits, including mental, emotional, and physical. Consistent training can help individuals to develop self-discipline, reduce stress, increase self-confidence, improve focus, manage anger, increase emotional intelligence, improve self-control, and achieve a sense of accomplishment.

Overall, combat fitness can be a challenging and effective way to stay fit and maintain a good standard of health. If you're looking for a fun, engaging and versatile workout, combat fitness might be the perfect fit for you.

I hope you enjoyed the post. Please leave your thoughts below in the comments section and let me know what other health and well-being topics you'd like me to cover.

If you’re interested in improving your health then please do get in touch!

Michael East


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