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  • Writer's pictureMichael East

How Walking Benefits Our Health And Wellbeing

Updated: Jun 23, 2023

Walking is a great first step (pun intended) to making positive health related behaviour change. It's one of the most primal forms of movement our body performs and involves the integration of multiple body systems.

Walking was a fundamental part of human evolution and played an important role in our survival, exploration, and transportation. However, walking is not only a means of getting from one place to another, it also acts as a support system for our health and well-being.

This post will explore the benefits of walking and the questions people ask when it comes to walking.

Key Benefits Of Walking

Walking offers numerous benefits to our health and well-being, it's known to:

Improve cardiovascular health

Regular walking can help lower the risk of heart disease and stroke. Walking improves blood flow and reduces the risk of high blood pressure and high 'bad' cholesterol.

Strengthen bones and muscles

Walking can help to improve bone density, which can help to reduce the risk of osteoporosis, especially in postmenopausal women. It also helps to strengthen muscles, which can improve balance.

Help maintain a healthy weight

Walking can help to burn calories and promote weight loss, which can help to reduce the risk of obesity and related health problems.

Improve cognitive function

Walking can help to improve cognitive function, including memory and concentration, by increasing blood flow to the brain.

Reduce stress and anxiety

Walking can help to reduce stress and anxiety by releasing endorphins - chemicals in the brain that promote feelings of well-being.

Improve mental health

Regular walking can improve mood and reduce the risk of depression. It can create an opportunity for social interaction and a sense of accomplishment.

Improve sleep

Walking can help to improve sleep quality and reduce insomnia by promoting relaxation and reducing stress.

Improve overall fitness

Walking is an easy, low-impact form of exercise that can improve overall fitness and increase energy levels.

Reduce the risk of certain cancers

Some research suggests that regular walking may reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, such as breast and colon cancer.

Improve digestion

Walking can help to stimulate the muscles in the gut, which can aid in digestion and help to prevent constipation.

Improve lung function

Walking can help to increase lung capacity and improve the overall function of the lungs.

Improve blood sugar control

Regular walking can help to improve blood sugar control in people with diabetes by increasing insulin sensitivity and reducing the risk of complications.

Reduce the risk of falls

Walking can help to improve balance and coordination, which can reduce the risk of falls in older adults.

Reduce the risk of certain diseases

Regular walking may reduce the risk of certain diseases such as Alzheimer's, Dementia and Parkinson's.

Improve sexual function

Walking can help to improve sexual function by improving circulation, reducing stress, and promoting feelings of well-being.

Improve overall quality of life

Walking can improve overall quality of life by increasing energy levels, reducing stress, and promoting a sense of well-being.

It's important to note that walking should always be performed as per an individual's capabilities, and under the guidance of a healthcare professional if you have any health concerns.

Additionally, walking can help to:

Improve the immune function

Walking can help to boost the immune system by increasing the production of white blood cells, which help to fight off infections and disease.

Reduce the risk of varicose veins

Walking can help to improve circulation, which can reduce the risk of varicose veins and other vein-related conditions.

Improve skin health

Walking can improve skin health by increasing blood flow to the skin, which can help to nourish and protect it.

Improve posture and balance

Walking can help to improve posture and balance by strengthening the muscles that support the spine, which can reduce the risk of back pain and injury.

Improve environmental health

Walking is an environmentally friendly form of transportation, which can help to reduce air pollution and traffic congestion.

Enhance creativity

Walking can also boost creativity, by allowing the mind to wander and come up with new ideas.

Walking is the most convenient form of exercise that can be done by anyone, anywhere, making it accessible for people of all ages and fitness levels.


The Most Frequently Asked Questions People Want Answered When It Comes To Walking

  1. How much walking should I do to stay healthy?

  2. Is walking as effective as running for fitness and weight loss?

  3. What are the best shoes for walking?

  4. Can I lose weight by walking alone?

  5. How can I make walking more challenging and increase its intensity?

  6. Should I consult a doctor before starting a walking routine, especially if I have health conditions?

  7. Is it better to walk indoors on a treadmill or outdoors?

  8. How can I stay motivated to walk regularly?

  9. Are there any specific walking techniques or postures I should follow?

  10. Can walking help reduce the risk of specific health conditions, such as heart disease or diabetes?

  11. Can walking help alleviate joint pain, or is it harmful to the joints?

  12. Is it better to walk continuously or in shorter bouts throughout the day?

  13. How can I incorporate walking into my daily routine if I have a sedentary job?

  14. What are some safety tips for walking alone or in low visibility conditions?

  15. Can walking improve my mood and mental well-being?

  16. How can I measure the distance or track my walking progress?

  17. Is it necessary to warm up or stretch before walking?

  18. Can walking help with digestion and bowel movements?

  19. What are some effective ways to prevent blisters and foot pain while walking?

  20. Can walking during pregnancy be beneficial?

  21. Where can I walk?

  22. How does walking compare to other forms of exercise in terms of calories burnt?

  23. Can walking help reduce belly fat?

  24. Is it better to walk alone or with a partner/group?

  25. Can walking help improve posture?

  26. Is it necessary to incorporate intervals or inclines in my walking routine?

  27. What are the benefits of walking barefoot or using minimalist shoes?

  28. Can walking help improve flexibility?

  29. Is there an optimal time of day to go for a walk?

  30. Can walking help with lower back pain?

  31. How can I prevent or manage shin splints while walking?

  32. Are there specific walking techniques to engage different muscle groups?

  33. Can walking help reduce the risk of certain cancers?

  34. Does the speed of walking affect its health benefits?

  35. Are there any nutritional considerations for walkers?

  36. Can walking help with reducing stress and improving mental clarity?

  37. Is it possible to build muscle through walking?

  38. Can walking help improve balance and coordination?

  39. What are the potential risks or precautions to keep in mind while walking?

  40. Can walking be part of a rehabilitation program after an injury or surgery?

How much walking should I do to stay healthy?

Most health organisations around the world recommend 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, such as brisk walking, per week. This equates to about 30 minutes of walking 5 days out of 7.

Is walking as effective as running for fitness and weight loss?

Running requires more effort and over a given period of time leads to a higher calorie burn compared to walking. It engages more muscles, increases heart rate, and promotes greater cardiovascular fitness. However, while walking burns fewer calories per minute than running, it offers several advantages such as sustainability, lower risk of injury, and greater longevity.

What are the best shoes for walking?

There are a few considerations to take into account when it comes to selecting the best footwear. Comfort, support, durability, appropriateness for terrain and stability are a few of the key ones.

Can I lose weight by walking alone?

Absolutely. Weight loss occurs when you create a calorie deficit, meaning when you burn more calories than you consume. Walking can significantly contribute to this.

How can I make walking more challenging and increase its intensity?

You can increase your walking speed and/or add inclines. You can increase the distance or time travelled or you can use walking poles to engage the upper body and explore more challenging terrains.

Should I consult a doctor before starting a walking routine, especially if I have health conditions?

It's recommended to consult with a healthcare professional such as your doctor or a qualified healthcare provider before starting any new exercise routine. This is even more important if you have any pre-existing health conditions.

Is it better to walk indoors on a treadmill or outdoors?

This depends on preference and circumstance. Indoor walking offers more convenience, control and impact reduction. Outdoor walking offers more immersion in nature, more vitamin D, a varied terrain and better opportunities for exploration.

How can I stay motivated to walk regularly?

Staying motivated to walk regularly can be challenging, but there are a few things you can do to maintain your motivation:

  • Set specific goals for yourself

  • Find a walking partner or join a walking group

  • Use a fitness tracker or mobile app to track your progress

  • Explore different routes and locations for your walks

  • Listen to music, audiobooks, or podcasts whilst walking

  • Set a walking schedule

  • Track and celebrate key milestones

  • Reward yourself when you meet your walking targets.

  • Focus on the benefits walking brings

Are there any specific walking techniques or postures I should follow?

Yes, there are a number of best practice techniques that should be incorporated into walking:

  • Maintain an upright posture

  • Engage your core muscles

  • Allow your arms to swing naturally in rhythm with your legs

  • Take natural, comfortable strides

  • Aim for a mid-foot or heel to toe foot-strike

  • Don't strike the ground with excessive force

  • Incorporate a consistent cadence whilst walking

  • Use your diaphragm and breathe naturally

  • Remember to warm up and cool down

Can walking help reduce the risk of specific or heart disease or diabetes?

Yes, walking can reduce the risk of a number of health conditions including heart disease and diabetes.

Can walking help alleviate joint pain, or is it harmful to the joints?

Yes, walking is considered a low impact exercise and promotes:

  • Joint mobility and lubrication

  • Strengthened joint supporting muscles

  • Maintaining a healthy weight

  • Improved bone density

  • Reduced inflammation

Is it better to walk continuously or in shorter bouts throughout the day?

Both have their individual and shared benefits. It's more down to personal preference and practicality.

How can I incorporate walking into my daily routine if I have a sedentary job?

Here are some strategies to deal with this all too common situation:

  • Take regular walking breaks

  • Where possible, participate in walking meetings

  • Go for a walk at lunch

  • Actively commute to and from work by walking, running or cycling

  • Use a tracker and set yourself walking targets during the working day

  • Use stand up desks

  • Set up alerts to tell you to move more

  • Have an active break and walk while you eat

  • Influence the work culture to actively participate in walking

What are some safety tips for walking when alone or in low visibility conditions?

Here are some important points to consider when walking alone or in low light conditions:

  • Plan your route beforehand

  • Only walk in safe areas

  • Carry a fully charged phone with emergency contacts already set up

  • Where possible, walk with friends or in a group

  • Stay focused and alert

  • Carry ID with you

  • Trust your instincts

  • Have self defence awareness

  • Be cognisant of the weather

  • Be highly visible near roads

  • Walk against the flow of traffic if walking near roads

  • Use appropriate lighting for the conditions

Can walking improve my mood and mental well-being?

Yes, brisk walking in particular stimulates the release of endorphins in the brain. Endorphins are natural chemicals that help boost mood, reduce stress, and promote feelings of well-being.

How can I measure the distance or track my walking progress?

There are a multitude of apps, trackers and other wearable tech that can be used to track progress.

Is it necessary to warm up or stretch before walking?

Yes, it is if you want to reduce the risk of an injury.

Can walking help with digestion and bowel movements?

Walking promotes intestinal motility, enhanced blood circulation, improved posture and reduced gaseous bloating, all things that aid our digestive systems.

What are some effective ways to prevent blisters and foot pain while walking?

Appropriate footwear, nail care, cushioning and breaking in new shoes will help to reduce the chances of blisters as well as foot pain.

Can walking during pregnancy be beneficial?

Yes, walking during pregnancy can be highly beneficial for both mother and baby.

Where can I walk?

Outdoors in nature, on a treadmill in a gym, around your local area, along a mountain range in the Himalayas. You can walk practically anywhere.

How does walking compare to other forms of exercise in terms of calories burnt?

Walking is considered a moderate form of exercise. Whilst it doesn't burn as many calories as other high intensity exercises, it does contribute to overall calorie expenditure

Can walking help reduce belly fat?

Walking can significantly contribute to fat loss. However, it doesn't specifically reduce belly fat. No exercise specifically reduces belly fat, body fat is proportionally spread across our bodies.

Is it better to walk alone or with a partner/group?

This is purely down to personal preference and practicality.

Can walking help improve posture?

Very much so, walking can help to improve posture by strengthening the muscles that support proper bodily alignment and by promoting better body awareness.

Is it necessary to incorporate intervals or inclines in my walking routine?

It isn't necessary to incorporate intervals or inclines into a walk. However, depending on personal preference or the objectives that you've set, you may want to increase the intensity by including them.

What are the benefits of walking barefoot or using minimalist shoes?

Walking barefoot or using minimalist footwear has a number of benefits:

  • Improved foot strength and mobility

  • Enhanced proprioception - the ability to sense and perceive position, movement and alignment

  • Proper bodily alignment and posture

  • Increased foot and ankle flexibility

  • Connection with nature and grounding

If transitioning to barefoot or minimalist footwear please remember to do so gradually to reduce the likelihood of injury.

Can walking help improve flexibility?

Walking in and of itself is not particularly good for improving flexibility. However, walking is a good warm up activity that leads on to more appropriate flexibility exercises.

Is there an optimal time of day to go for a walk?

The optimal time of day to go for a walk depends upon individual preferences, lifestyle and specific goals

Can walking help with lower back pain?

Yes, walking can help with lower back pain in a number of ways:

  • Strengthening the core

  • Improving posture and alignment

  • Enhancing circulation to the spine

  • Promoting better joint mobility

  • Maintaining a healthy weight

  • Reducing inflammation

Remember to speak to a health care professional beforehand and to start gradually if you have existing lower back pain.

How can I prevent or manage shin splints while walking?

Shin splints, also known as medial tibial stress syndrome, can be prevented or managed by:

  • Wearing appropriate footwear

  • Applying correct walking technique

  • Strengthening the tibial area with specific exercises

  • Warming up and cooling down

  • Using a foam roller for recovery

  • Applying gradual progression

  • Being mindful of the surfaces you're walking on

Are there specific walking techniques to engage different muscle groups?

Yes, power walking and lunges engage the glutes, hamstrings and quads. Uphill walking engages the calves and heel to toe striking engages the ankles and shins.

Can walking help reduce the risk of certain cancers?

Walking in and of itself does not necessarily reduce the risk of all cancers, although it's been claimed that it can help with certain types.

Does the speed of walking affect its health benefits?

Yes, the more intense the act of walking is, the more health benefits it provides. However, all forms of walking contribute to improved health. Slower, more leisurely walks may be preferred to stimulate mental well-being.

Are there any nutritional considerations for walkers?

There are a number of things to consider when it comes nutrition, of which staying hydrated is paramount. The consumption of adequate macro and micro nutrients, pre and post walk nutrition and individual nutritional requirements are also important factors for deliberation.

Can walking help with reducing stress and improving mental clarity?

Yes, walking is an effective way to reduce stress and improve mental clarity.

Is it possible to build muscle through walking?

Walking is not an effective method to build muscle but can help to maintain it and keep it toned.

Can walking help improve balance and coordination?

Yes, walking promotes increased proprioception, core and leg strength, joint mobility as well as flexibility and postural awareness

What are the potential risks or precautions to keep in mind while walking?

There are a number of things to keep in mind when walking, including but not limited to:

  • Footwear

  • Terrain

  • Road safety

  • Personal safety

  • Weather conditions and visibility

  • Hydration and nutrition

  • Pre existing medical conditions

  • Pace and intensity

Can walking be part of a rehabilitation program after an injury or surgery?

Absolutely, walking can play a crucial role in the recovery process and help restore mobility, strength and function after an injury.


Final Thoughts

Walking is a great way to improve your overall health and well-being. There are a huge number of benefits with very few downsides.

Personally, I'm a big fan of walking. As well as regular, short walks along the river Thames and the royal parks, I've participated in longer walks such as the South Downs, Seven Sisters, Tryfan in Wales, and a considerable number of coastal walks in Cornwall.

To this day one of my most memorable walking experiences was trekking the Annapurna circuit in Nepal. The beauty of the country, the people, the culture - such an amazing experience that it's worthy of it's own post...

I hope you enjoyed the content. Please leave your thoughts below in the comments section and let me know what other health and well-being topics you'd like me to cover.

If you’re interested in improving your health then please do get in touch!

Michael East


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